Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Monday, December 13, 2010

Bad Santa.........haha!

Our little family has been in Riverside 2nd Ward since July and WE LOVE it! Shortly after my son passed they called me to be the Primary Pianist. I was excited because that was my calling in our last ward and I LOVED it. I'm glad I was called to the Piano, because I don't have a Piano, but it helps me remember HOW to play. :)
Nephew Tieni, Fanga, Niece Sarina, Anela, Ben Jr. @ Riverside 2nd Primary XMAS

Christmas Caroling

Singing for Salote Tuiaki

Riverside 2nd


Ben Jr.

Our Kids....

This last Saturday our Primary went caroling to the widows in the ward. I'm sure it brought the Christmas Spirit to the widows. The kids enjoyed it and sang w/ their hearts! It was FUN! Afterwards we went to church for lunch and a special friend came to visit. SANTA CLAUSE!

After Santa was finished giving gifts to all the boys and girls it was time for him to leave. As he was exiting the gym Santa took off his hat and beard. My two younger kids pointed to him and said.......That's not Santa! Thanks a lot Amoni. I mean Santa! Bad Santa! hahahahaha! I told Santa's wife that because he did that my kids are wondering if Santa was REAL. OMG! I had to tell them that it was Santa's helper. hahahhaha! My daughter also says that Santa is white. hahahahha!

We played games, sang songs, and enjoyed each others company. Thanks Riverside 2nd Primary! It was a blast! :)


  1. LOL @ yalls ward Santa and also Nela's comment about Santa being white! Too funny! =)

  2. hahahahaha! Omg! Your primary are sooo obedient! Once our Santa comes out .. the whole primary attacks himmm!!! The helpers as well, ofcourse cus she's carrying the candies! Last year, she ate the floor! ahahahahahaha! Sad but sooo funny!!! Love you guyyssss ..

    ps:tell Nelz Santa got darker over summer. ahahaha
